Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Via del Corso

Had a day off today, and since it was so nice out I decided to go for a little walk down the Via del Corso, the Time Square of Rome, give or take. The streets were packed with people off for the holiday, but I still managed to get some good shots, hopefully while not sticking out as too much of an American. Check them out:

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  1. Ryan, great pictures! I'm really jealous. I wish I had invested in a serious camera when I was in Spain! It looks like you saw the Altare della Patria after all :) Right around there is a church that has a connection to St. Ignatius Loyola - I think he died there or something. I'll look it up and let you know. I definitely dragged my friends there when we were in Rome. It wasn't super impressive or anything, but still cool nonetheless.

  2. Ryan,
    Great to see that you are having a good time. Enjoy the city and the country...great place. Keep up the commentary. I will keep an eye out. Stay safe.
    Mr. Kurdyla
